School Age
We offer a before and after school program, as well as summer programming, for children in Kindergarten through Fourth grade.
The school age program offers care for early dismissal and no school days, including late starts and snow days. We promote positive social interactions as well as provide the children with communication and conflict mediation skills.
Before school we offer breakfast as well as play opportunities before getting on the bus to school. After school the children are bussed to the center. They come in for a nutritious snack before going off to play and learn with a number of different activities. We also have opportunities for the children to do their homework if they so choose. Activities include
Dramatic Play
Making Friends
Community service and more!
Summer programming includes LOTS of fun field trips and learning opportunities. We include outside or gym time everyday, along with a chapter book reading time everyday as well. Every week is a new ‘challenge’, group or individual, that gets the children moving and/or thinking. We offer swimming lessons and many different learning adventures throughout the summer! We have so much fun they don’t even realize they’re learning!
School age room is staffed at a 1:15 teacher to child ratio.

Goal 1: Social and Emotional Development
To demonstrate a sense of self
To demonstrate or show responsibility for self and others
To demonstrate pro-social behavior
Goal 2: Physical Development
To participate in physical activities
Gross motor skills and
Fine motor skill
Goal 3: To Learn About Others
Learning and problem solving
Logical thinking
Conflict mediation skills
Goal 4: Cognitive Development
Demonstrates ability to follow simple instructions
Demonstrates ability to follow
multi-step instructions
These goals are detailed at the Parent/Teacher Conferences.